Sunday, 31 May 2015

Infographics ii/iii

We had a look at this image and guessed what it might be about.

We visited this UNICEF link and watched:


Then, we wrote some numbers in our notebooks. We had a look at another infographic and found out what they were about:

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Urbanization: Infographic i

We had a look first at this infographic:


Then, we tried to answer some questions:


Sunday, 24 May 2015


We looked at two paintings and used the What makes you say that?  thinking routine to explore them. There were 2 questions:

What's going on?
What makes you say that?

The Tube Train, Cyril E. Power

Returning from work, LS Lowry

Then, we shared our ideas about how we thought the people in the paintings feel.

And we? How did we feel by looking at the paintings?

We finally discussed the common things we could notice in the paintings.